Sunday, October 24, 2010

Carry-on versus Checked Luggage

More and more people are choosing to avoid long line-ups and lost luggage by simply taking one 'small' bag onto the airplane as opposed to checking their bags when they first arrive at the terminal.  Airlines appear to be catching on to this as they have been limiting the number and size of bags that you are allowed to carry onto the plane for any given flight.  It is important to research this information ahead of time as each airline has different rules and regulations regarding carry on luggage. 

The Pros of taking only Carry-on luggage:
No waiting at the carousel for your checked luggage
No risk of lost luggage (maybe, see notes below)
Everything you need is within reach during the entire flight

The Cons of taking only Carry-on luggage:
You are limited by the size and number of bags by the airline
You cannot take as much stuff
You MUST check each airline, arrival and return as they all have different size and weight regulations


I was coming home from a trip to Bangladesh, via Dubai and after we arrived in Toronto a man looked into the overhead compartment where he had left his bag at the beginning of the flight.  The overhead storage above his seat had been full when he entered the plane (late) and he was forced to stow his bag a few rows ahead of his seat.  By the time the people ahead of him cleared the aisle and he was able to go to the overhead storage to get his bag, it was gone.  He was understandably furious and upset but no one did anything.  My suggestion, be on time and if you choose to go the Carry-on route, always stow your bag directly above your seat and DO NOT allow anyone to move it.


Doesn't it seem strange to you that when you arrive at the airport you and your bags are searched, smelled, swabbed and tied, not physically but electronically, directly to you.  You cannot get on a plane if your bags are on another plane.  But, when you have arrived at your destination, no one ensures that the correct person picks up the correct bag.  You leave the arrival area, head to the luggage area and the exit is usually 10 feet away.  What if you stop to use the bathroom and some stranger grabs your bag?  What recourse do you have?  Check out my next blog and I'll tell you how to use the Airport Security system to your advantage.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I hope you are going to include some interesting stories about your travels!
